November 2023

November 2023


The website is up!!!! It has been a long road to get here, but it is finally up and happening. It is an odd feeling because I still have a bit to go. I need to do the whole social media thing, but I am taking a break from it for a little bit. However, November 2023 marks a new chapter in my professional career.

This month has flown by; I have spent the first half developing the website and learned much from it. I hit a low when it became clear that my original idea for the brand was no longer a plausible option, and I had to re-strategize, which I did.

My PhD is, well, ever so slowly coming along… I don’t think slowly is a strong enough word for it, but rather, a glacial pace is probably the better word for it. I have avoided my supervisor for many months, chipping away at it bit by bit, but I am finally off to see him today. I need to let him know I have restructured my entire thesis… Wish me luck.   

NOW, for something more fun, I would like to bring your attention to the art I have selected for each blog post. I had been writing blog posts for a while this year, hoping to have the website released earlier than it was, but also, I would have some content ready for the site. How the website is laid out, you can select an image for each post. As an art historian, I have decided to pick art (Shocker). The pieces I chose reflect the subject of the blog. It can sometimes be rather obvious, but other times a little harder. (Like with this blog, the artwork reflects how I am currently feeling) I may even begin my blogs now with a bio about each artwork to set the scene for what is to come, but that is next month’s problem.

But for now, I have far too much work to do before the year ends.


Love Me.

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