Caspar David Friedrich, Wanderer above the Sea of Fog, ca. 1818

June 2023



This is my first blog, which is very exciting. I’m not particularly sure how to write one or where to start, or what I want this to be. All I know is that I am sitting here at 8:07 pm on a Tuesday night, actively avoiding that I have to finish writing my Oral Presentation for my Progress Review Milestone so I can continue my suffering and not get kicked out of my program.[1]

Anyway, I digress. So, I am writing this before I officially launched Art History by Me, but I said I would do so, so I would have something ready to go up on this website. Also, I think it will be good for me to start putting down some thoughts, you know, pen to paper… figuratively speaking.[2] 

So, I have come up with options for this blog's direction.

  1. Personal Blog – Me saying whatever I want really (very self-indulgent)
  2. Personal/Professional Blog – I write a little about my Job and Research and how I am dealing/not dealing with that stuff.
  3. Art history essay Blog – I produce a short essay or something about some art history-related topic once a month.
  4. A combination of them all.

Right. That is enough for now, I will continue writing tomorrow or the day after completing this milestone.

Love Me.



I’m back. I have passed my milestone; however, I am exhausted, so I think that will be it for this month's blog. Honestly, I will go with the flow and see how it goes. See you next month!!!

Love Me.


[1] That may be a little dramatic, but I am pretty sure if the panel does not pass me I am put on probation for a couple of months and redo the milestone before they can officially kick me out. AND YES!!! I DID JUST USE A FOOTNOTE AS A WAY TO HAVE AN ASIDE IN MY BLOG. Footnotes are cool structurally and aesthetically,

[2] You mean figuratively TYPING… get it because I’m not speaking either, like not writing this blog by hand…. I will stop now.

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